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I’m Jayasri Vijayakumar

Based in Sweden, I design logos, develop websites, Manage social media platforms. In short I do brand management.

I have a strong background in  UX/UI design, Illustration, animations, Web application development, and Content writing

About Me.

Over the years I’ve had the chance to start my career with one of the leading MNC's of the world. I had to quit my job due to relocation and family. I had the opportunity to design and create a website for my own small business, which I ran from May 2020 until January 2023. As a result of my decision to start searching for IT jobs, I was forced to close my firm. I had a chance to work with a client between February 2023 and May 2023. From setting strategic goals to customer experience approaches, I carefully review the needs of each project and tailor my work accordingly.

I illustrate, animate and publish the content using Procreate and Procreate dreams.

Java has been my first home when I kickstarted my career. As days passed by I was pushed to delve more into the field of Cybersecurity to know more about the attacks based on the DDoS, phishing and other attacks. 

The interest of web designing and the front end development led me to learn HTML, JavaScript, CSS and UX/UI designing.

UX and UI had been a place of interest right from the day I was exposed to the Computer screens. I have been amazed on how the User interface designer bridges the gap between a user and the computer screen that lead me to this position of creating wireframes and high-fidelity prototypes. I have a certification for the Academic writing, Content writing and Creative writing to keep my writing skills fresh and new. Which led me to contribute to the co-authorship of about ten books that were published in India. I am the type of person that likes to journal about everything. 

I've presented guest lectures on arts and crafts in classrooms.

I have gathered the skills and expertise necessary to take businesses to the next level. I believe that nothing is beyond our reach if we let our minds run wild and dare to be bold and innovative. Want to learn more? Get in touch today.


As an industry professional, I’m dedicated to understanding my clients so I can take their branding and marketing strategies to the next level. Have a look at the project I’ve worked on in the past to get a better sense of what I can do for you. 


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